There’s Always More to Learn

No matter how old you are, no matter what industry you’re in, there is always something new to learn. This is what keeps us alive. It keeps our brain functioning. No matter how long I’ve been a designer, there are new features in software, new design trends, new mediums to explore, new color combos to try…there is always something new to discover. I’ve found learning is fun, especially when it’s of my own accord.

What thought keeps coming to mind over and over? Acknowledge it outloud.

Begin by researching your idea. Next, see how you can try it out. Maybe it’s playing around with software you’ve wondered about, or designing in a style you don’t feel comfortable in, but have always thought it was cool. With the ever-changing world of vocabulary, maybe there are technology terms or industry terms you’re not familiar with. Now is a great time to look them up, and see what they mean. Learning doesn’t have to be big, grandiose endeavors. Start small. Gain momentum. See where it leads.

When learning stops, complacency starts. This one word can keep a person stuck for years. Complacency can make your mind turn a blind eye to living…really being present in the moment. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable in your life and content with what you’re doing, but the moment that comfort starts to hold you back from trying new things….that’s when complacency has set it. That behavior and mindset will hold you back in every aspect of your life, from trying a new restaurant, making a new friend, to traveling to a new location.

The very essence of learning coincides with trying new things. That’s what life is made of. That’s how you got to where you are. You learned to walk one step at a time. Same with learning. Don’t let complacency win. Always learn. Always be curious.

See you next time in….the Back 40rty. 



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