visual branding

web | logo | print | design

Art + Science = Design

Visual Branding Design  is the connection between the meaning of your brand and your clients.

We focus on the three main categories of visual design to help you build this connection: Web design, Logos, Print. There are many design projects included in these areas, from business cards to infographics. Click here for a complete list.

Branding design is important, because it’s the glue that gives messaging and strategy a cohesive, consistent look and feel. Why is this important? Because a visual brand that’s congruent in all facets, builds trust and creates credibility with current and potential clients….without you saying a word.

“A great visual brand speaks for your business, when you’re not there to do it yourself.”

~Kristin Brogaard

Every great design begins with an even better story.”
~Lorinda Mamo

Web Design

Approximately 94% of first impressions are due to your website’s design. This is important in keeping people on your site and keeps them coming back. How does yours measure up?


The human brain processes visual graphics 60,000 times faster than text. This is the reason why many brands add an identifying mark to their logo. A picture is definitely worth a thousands words. 60,000.


Custom graphic design not only sets you apart from your competitors, but it sends a message of credibility and professionalism. It shows you care about the smallest details, which your clients will translate to you caring about them.

featured client

Check out
Harpeth Marketing’s Design Story

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This website, including text, blog content, graphic designs, website design, illustrations, and other creative works found on this website, constitutes educational and journalistic expression not intended as professional business advice.

Testimonials or reviews on this website reflect individual experiences. Outcomes, results, and/or transformation are individualized and are NOT GUARANTEED. RESULTS FROM THE INFORMATION ON THIS WEBSITE ARE NOT GUARANTEED.